MERN Stack Development Training in Nepal

MERN Stack Development Training in Nepal

Duration2.5 month

Do you want to learn MERN Stack Development in Nepal and become a full stack developer? If that's the case, don't worry; the School of Information Technologies is the best MERN Stack Development training institute in Nepal, with highly qualified, competent, and certified MERN Stack experts.

The MERN stack is a JavaScript stack that helps to make the development process more smother and advanced. MERN comprises four different technologies:

  • MongoDB: It is a document-oriented NoSQL database that is free and open-source. It stores a big amount of data and is highly scalable. MongoDB employs a collection of documents instead of tables, rows, and columns, as in a standard relational database.
  • Express JS: It is a back-end web application framework that offers a robust range of capabilities for web apps.
  • React JS: React JS is an open-source JavaScript frontend framework that works on an MVC architecture is used to build a dynamic user interface. It is simple, fast, scalable, and easy to learn.
  • Node JS: Node JS is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment that is open-source and cross-platform.

You will learn both front-end and back-end software development utilizing MongoDB, Express Engine, React JS, and Node JS in the MERN Stack development course. Also, we provide MEAN Stack development training as well.

The MERN Stack is the most popular framework for individuals who wish to learn full-stack development using only one language - JavaScript. After completing this training, you will be qualified to work as a MERN Stack JavaScript developer. You will be able to build a robust dynamic web application.

MERN Stack developers are in high demand these days in Nepal. Hiring a MERN Stack developer will no longer necessitate the hiring of a separate frontend and backend developer. As a result, Nepali software industries are more than ever looking for MERN Stack engineers. These rising demands are creating an excess of chances for qualified applicants.

A junior MERN Stack developer with some experience easily earns between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 50,000.

Anyone interested in MERN Stack development courses should have a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. He/She must also be familiar with JavaScript and ES6 foundation.

Similarly, basic knowledge of the OOP concept is a plus point.

The following are some of the advantages that students can enjoy from MERN Stack training in the School of IT.

  • Learn from an experienced and renowned full-stack expert.
  • Makes you skilled and able to work as a freelancer.
  • Affordable training costs along with career counseling.
  • Opportunities for internship and job placement for an interested candidate
  • Proper learning environment with well-equipped labs.
  • Opportunity to work on a MERN Stack real-time project.
  • Assists students in the development of high-quality, high-performance, efficient, scalable, and robust applications.
  • Provides Opportunity to learn about modern tools (text editors) and strategies.

Course Contents


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variable and data type
  • Operators and statement
  • Functions
  • Closure, hoisting, and scope
  • Arrays and object
  • Prototype-based inheritance
  • Callback


  • const and let
  • Arrow functions
  • Template Literals/String
  • Default parameters
  • Array and object destructing
  • Rest parameter and Spread operator
  • Classes
  • Promises
  • Higher order function
  • Exception Handling


  • Introduction to Node JS
  • Node CLI
  • Node Modules System (Module wrapper function, Inbuilt, Third-party by using NPM, User-defined)
  • File handling with Node JS
  • Asynchronous and event loop in Node JS
  • Creating HTTP server with Node JS
  • Introduction to web sockets
  • Create real-time socket communication


  • Introduction to Express JS
  • Creating HTTP server with Express JS
  • Route and routing parameters 
  • Middleware in Express 
  • Response status code
  • Templating engine (EJS, handlebars)
  • Handling form data
  • Form validation
  • Authentication and JWT tokens
  • Error handling


  • Understanding NoSQL (schema-less database)
  • Introduction to MongoDB (collection and documents)
  • Mongo shell
  • Queries 
  • Introduction to MongoDB Compass (GUI)
  • Database modeling and schema design (using mongoose)
  • Aggregation in MongoDB


  • Introduction to RESTful APIs
  • Creating own API endpoints using Express JS and Mongo DB
  • Securing API using JWT
  • API best practices


  • Introduction to React JS
  • Creating first React JS app (using create-react-app)
  • JSX
  • Components and Props
  • State and Lifecycle
  • Handling events
  • Conditional rendering
  • Lists and Keys
  • Form handling on react
  • React router
  • HTTP request (using Axios)

Project Work

  • eCommerce web application 
  • Real-time messaging application 
  • Real-time order management and tracking application 

School of IT has demonstrated its ability to achieve its goals since its foundation and never failed its students. So, enroll in the MERN Stack Development course here and get the most out of the training.

Inquiry / Apply

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

MERN stack has been in demand for the past couple of years and will remain for years to come. As the stack is lightweight and capable of building real-time highly scalable data-driven applications, it has been a favorite choice of many developers.
MERN stack is a combination of different technologies that allow you to build and maintain a production-quality web application. The MERN stack represents MongoDB as a database, Express as a web framework, React as a view library, and Node.js server. So, to become a MERN developer you must earn basic of these technologies and start doing projects.